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솔더링대회 / 기술

IPC 공식 SNS에 소개 된 제7회 솔더링대회(IPC Hand Soldering Competition Korea)

관리자   2019.10.15 13:52:47
조회수 3,787

IPC Hand Soldering Competition Korea, Seoul

Seoul, Korea, was the location for an IPC Hand Soldering Competition that included both student and professional competitions.

Professional competition winners were led by Ms. Min Ji King, LIG Nex1, who will compete in the IPC HSC World Championship at productronica in Germany in November.

Mr. Gyu Seok Park, LIG Nex1, took second place, and Mr. Jong Jin Kim, Hanwha Systems, took third. Students from Dankoo University took the top three spots,

with Chan Hee Park in first place, Jin Ho Lee in second, and Won Seok Kim in third. Congratulations to all participants!



                                               (각 로고 클릭시 해당 사이트로 연동 됩니다.)






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